LCL Tear Information

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LCL Injuries

The Lateral Collateral Ligament (or LCL) is a flexible band of tissue located on the outside of the knee joint. The LCL connects your thighbone to your fibula (this is the smaller bone in your lower leg). The function of the LCL is to help limit twisting and side to side motions of the knee. It also contributes to the stabilization of the knee joint, along with the MCL (Medial Collateral Ligament). The MCL is located on the inside of your knee joint and connects your thighbone to your shinbone.

Torn LCL Injury

LCL injuries can range from mild sprains to partial tears to complete ruptures. They usually occur along with other knee injuries, such as meniscus tears and dislocated knees, which is why it’s important to visit your doctor if you think your LCL may be damaged.

There are three different injury grades (levels of severity) when it comes to LCL Injuries:

  • Torn LCL Injury - Grade 1 Grade 1 - The ligament is mildly damaged. It has been slightly stretched, but is still able to help keep the knee joint stable.
  • Torn LCL Injury - Grade 2 Grade 2 - Stretching the ligament to the point where it becomes loose. This is often referred to as a partial tear of the ligament.
  • Torn LCL Injury - Grade 3 Grade 3 - This type of sprain is most commonly referred to as a rupture or complete tear of the ligament. The ligament has been split into two pieces, and the knee joint is unstable.

While the LCL is less likely to be injured than the MCL, the LCL is more difficult to heal.

Related Forum Content from the makers of the BFST

You might be asking yourself “Who is King Brand, and why is their forum content so important?” Well, here’s why! King Brand takes pride in knowing that their products will help heal people, and they aren't afraid to show it. Their commitment to helping people heal naturally, is the pillar on which the company has grown on.

The term BFST stands for Blood Flow Stimulation Therapy and it was created by King Brand Health Care. Blood flow is very important to help heal injuries, and after years of research and development they have come up with a product that does just what it says. No other company can match what King Brand does. They are the only company on the market that can directly target injuries at a cellular level with no surgery or doctors visits needed. Of course it’s important to visit the doctor when you've injured yourself, but their treatment modalities can be done in the comfort of your own home.

The King Brand forum is a great place to research specific ailments and to figure out whether or not the BFST and ColdCure products can help. Their treatment advisors are constantly posting on forums to help educate people on how to heal their injuries. If you can't find the answer you're looking for, then feel free to take part in their forum by registering.

Just below is a prime example of the quality customer service that King Brand provides on a daily basis. This is the perfect online community that will help educate, heal and get you back on your feet in no time.

What do you recommend for healing a torn meniscus?

A customer asked, "Which products do you recommend for healing a torn meniscus?"

Re: What do you recommend for healing a torn meniscus?

To heal a torn meniscus, you need rest, cold therapy, and increased blood flow - all used at the correct time.

The ColdCure will reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation, and can be used for 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off at a time. Plenty of rest will also reduce inflammation, and give your meniscus an opportunity to heal.

The BFST will increase your circulation over time, which leads to healing the soft tissue in the entire area that you treat. It helps to get oxygen and nutrients to the source of your pain, and to heal the meniscus over time.

Using KB Tape helps to support and stabilize your knee, and should be worn any time you're walking around or being active to prevent reinjury.

The Knee Recovery Pack, which can be found at the link below, includes everything we'd recommend to accelerate your healing and heal your torn meniscus for good.

Knee Recovery Pack:

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